Costa Rica Good News Report
William "Skip" Licht, Your Host  /  Your "Nothing but Good News" Website Promoting One of the Happiest Countries on the Planet

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Kevin's Corner Page 2. .
Sharing good-news stories, adventures & poems about Costa Rica & the Pura Vida Lifestyle every day!

Tommy & Delores. . Wow, what an interesting couple. They just moved to Costa Rica about nine months ago and you'd think that they have been here all their lives! Both lifelong New Yorkers from Long Island, they spent decades working in the fast-paced hustle and bustle of the city. Tommy, a retired firefighter, and Delores, a dedicated school teacher, knew they had given their all to their community back home. When they retired a year ago, they decided it was time to embark on a new chapter—one filled with peace, beauty, and purpose. They packed up their belongings, said goodbye to the skyscrapers, and set their sights on Costa Rica.

From the moment they arrived, Tommy and Delores felt a sense of calm wash over them. The gentle rhythm of the ocean waves, the towering volcanoes standing guard in the distance, and the lush rainforests brimming with life welcomed them with open arms. They found a cozy little home nestled in a small village near Arenal Volcano, where the mornings were cool, and the evenings were serenaded by the sounds of nature. The couple quickly realized they had found their paradise.

Rather than just basking in their newfound tranquility, Tommy and Delores felt a deep desire to give back to their new community, just as they had done in New York. They began volunteering at a local community center that provided support to families and children in need. Tommy, with his warm smile and big heart, started teaching fire safety to kids in the village. His stories of bravery and resilience inspired not only the children but also the adults who listened attentively. Delores, with her boundless patience and passion for education, started free English classes for local kids and adults. Her classes soon became a hub of laughter and learning, where everyone felt welcome.

Their days were filled with purpose and joy. When they weren't volunteering, Tommy and Delores explored the beauty that surrounded them. They hiked through rainforests filled with vibrant birds, sloths, and monkeys. They strolled along the pristine beaches of the Pacific coast, watching the sunset paint the sky in shades of orange and pink. They visited local farmers' markets, where they befriended Juan, a coffee grower from Tres Rios, who taught them the art of making the perfect cup of Costa Rican coffee. Every cup became a small celebration of life, love, and friendship.

The couple also found themselves surrounded by a community of like-minded friends—expats, locals, and travelers from all over the world. They shared meals, stories, and laughter, forming bonds that felt like family. Every weekend, they hosted potlucks on their patio, where their friends gathered to enjoy home-cooked meals, music, and conversation under the stars.

Tommy and Delores often reflect on their decision to move to Costa Rica. They feel more alive, more connected and more fulfilled than ever before. They have discovered a life where the days are not measured by the ticking of a clock but by the joy of giving, the beauty of nature and the warmth of human connection. And in this serene corner of the world, they have truly found their "Pura Vida"—a life filled with pure, simple happiness. We had lunch with them two days ago. . they're in their final steps of their Costa Rica Residency process & we're so happy for both of them!

Today's Story!
For Immediate Information on Moving to Costa Rica, Contact Kevin McNamee! CLICK HERE

Residency / Relocation / Legal Status / Real Estate

Over 20 years in the business of assisting individuals & families 
in their move to Costa Rica. .
YOUR Story, Adventure or Poem Goes Here!

Send us your story at [email protected]
Be sure to check out the many reasons why 
Kevin & his wife, Sammy fell in love with 
Costa Rica over 30 years ago. . see below!
The Many Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica. .
We Sneak Away for the Weekend to Soak in Some Hot Springs. .
Kevin and Sammy sometimes treat themselves to a relaxing weekend getaway, sneaking away to the breathtaking Arenal Volcano area. Nestled in the lush Costa Rican landscape, they find themselves immersed in a world of natural beauty and tranquility. The highlight of their trip is soaking in the rejuvenating hot springs, surrounded by the serene sounds of nature and the stunning view of the majestic volcano. The warm, mineral-rich waters melt away their stress, offering a perfect blend of pampering and adventure. This escape to Arenal is not just a retreat, but a revitalizing experience, leaving them feeling refreshed and blissfully content and ready for the upcoming week!
There's MORE Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica
Click HERE for Page 3!
Page 2
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 Page 1 
We Don't Worry About Anything Anymore. .
In our past life. . over 30 years ago, by the way. . we were like most people in Canada and all over the world. We would worry about everything! We'd worry about last week when we argued with someone about something. We'd worry about the flat tire we woke up to one morning. We'd worry about the future.  Worry, woe and despair.  Many families become buried in negativity 24/7.  A new attitude arose in both of us and, it seems to have done the same for many others, when we moved to Costa Rica. The PURA VIDA Lifestyle has parameters and rules!  It creates a feeling of joy and happiness.  One parameter is that yesterday is gone, tomorrow NEVER arrives and TODAY is all that matters.  We live for today. . we try our best to DO OUR BEST in this present 24-hour period.  And it works like a charm.  We love our new attitudes and we invite YOU to find out what we're talking about!
We Love to Pay it Forward Any Chance We Get. .
Most everyone we hang out with feels like we do.  "What goes around comes around!" My daddy used to tell me that so very long ago. And every chance we have to do so, my wife, Sammy and I help those in need.  We aren't millionaires, but we are always very thankful for the food in the 'fridge and a roof over our heads.  When you have lived in Costa Rica for over 30 years, "success" is not measured by what kind of car one drives, how many bedrooms your house has or how expensive your watch was!  We define SUCCESS as being blessed with good neighbors, good friends, good health and a peaceful life.  We took a day trip to the Central Pacific Coastal area last month. We stopped at a roadside stand to get some bananas and a watermelon for our picnic we had planned.  A family of six were in front of us with a whole bunch of fruits and veggies for their family for the entire week, I presume.  We were in line and we heard that they apparently didn't have enough money to get it all. We volunteered to pay the difference. It was less than $10.00, but it meant the world to them. And it meant MORE to us!  Just the little things keep the world moving in the right direction. And the good news is that many of the Expats that we know here in Costa Rica have the same continuing attitude! Pura Vida!
My Wife, Sammy & I Enjoy the Simple Things in Life Now. .
Isn't it very strange that it seems so much easier to enjoy our days now?  Over 30 years ago, we lived in British Columbia. Our idea of a wonderful weekend was to fly to Las Vegas. . or San Francisco. We'd party all night. . perhaps spend hours on the Roulette wheel in Vegas and take a boat ride over to Alcatraz Island while in San Fran!  48 hours of high energy! Now, on Saturday morning, we may drive down the road to Ciudad Colon or to Puriscal. We love to frequent the little sodas here in Costa Rica. We'll order two plates of GALLO PINTO and a couple of cups of coffee.  Then, we'll drive through the town and if we see something that looks interesting, we'll spend some time there.  Most every town in Costa Rica, big AND small, has a church and a park. We love to sit on a bench in the park and talk about life.  The little things became our BIG THINGS!  No more LAS VEGAS needed! We traded the craps table for a little table in the corner of our favorite soda! We exchanged our Steak & Lobster for beans & rice! The Pura Vida Lifestyle is all about pulling the best out of what's right before your eyes. . Sammy and I have mastered the art of doing just that! 
We've Prioritized What is Important in Our Lives. .
My wife, Sammy and I. . well, we stroll happily through life with a positive "Pura Vida" attitude. There is a difference, you know!  Before we moved here permanently over 30 years ago, our minds were cluttered with unnecessary thoughts and grandiose ideas. We were always thinking about making new plans and discussing what to do next weekend or next month. We wanted to "outdo" ourselves from the month before. Our senses were heightened and our lives were not fulfilled unless we were doing something ELABORATE & SPECTACULAR. Now, we consider preparing a perfect soup, full of flavor and healthy veggies, a STELLAR SUCCESS in life.  We get overly excited when we see a new species of hummingbird in our backyard garden! It's not that we lowered the bar. . it's that we finally realize that less is more in most cases.  This is an integral part of the PURA VIDA Lifestyle and I will have to say that Sammy and I are DAMN GOOD at it! 
You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks. .
The idiom “You can't teach an old dog new tricks” originated in the 16th century and was popularized by English writer, John Heywood. It was originally used by shepherds to describe the idea that dogs need to learn when they are young, and that it is difficult to teach an older dog. Over time, the phrase came to be used more generally to describe people who are unwilling or unable to learn new things because they are old or set in their ways. My husband, Kevin still thinks he's 21 and he acts it out everyday. . his mental state is the same as when I first laid my eyes on him so long ago!  And even though he has to turn it down a notch, he still has the moves of a somewhat battle-worn warrior! We all can agree that feeling young at heart is all about mindset and engaging in activities that bring joy and vitality.  Kevin is always trying new things to keep our lives exciting and invigorating. He loves learning a new skill, exploring a new hobby and visiting new places.

He stays active. . walking, swimming, yoga and dancing can boost energy levels and overall well-being. He loves to shake a tail feather once in a while!

Kevin understands that social interactions are crucial for mental and emotional health. Spending time with friends and family, volunteering and joining clubs can foster a sense of belonging and keeps the mind sharp. He tries hard to do so every single day!

Focusing on the positive aspects of life and practicing gratitude can enhance one's mood and perspective. Reminiscing about happy memories and looking forward to future plans can be uplifting. Kevin was a little cranky in his early life up north in Canada. I think this magical "PURA VIDA Lifestyle" calmed him down a bit! He stays positive all the time now and lives for TODAY!

My husband understands totally that humor and laughter are powerful tools for staying youthful. We love to watch funny movies, we share jokes and we find humor in day-to-day activities. We don't get irritated about the LITTLE THINGS anymore. And when he is out and about here in Santa Ana, he makes it a point to share smiles, funny stories and always is the one to start a conversation with a stranger! One guy thought he was Chevy Chase!

Kevin wanted me to tell you that life in Costa Rica is so much fun. This positive spirit that is floating around the ENTIRE COUNTRY really adds not only to one's quality of life, but HOPEFULLY adds a few years on the back end as well! I think that this is why Kevin, myself and our team are SO VERY PASSIONATE about assisting others in their move to Costa Rica. If you need help with your Residency process, contact us! We're here to answer all of your questions! Kevin will probably tell you a few interesting stories about life here just to tease you a little bit and get you excited about moving here!

Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: Kevin McNamee 506-8385-5008