Costa Rica Good News Report
William "Skip" Licht, Your Host  /  Your "Nothing but Good News" Website Promoting One of the Happiest Countries on the Planet

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Kevin's Corner Page 4. .
Sharing good-news stories, adventures & poems about Costa Rica & the Pura Vida Lifestyle every day!

Our porch is a vibrant oasis, surrounded by an assortment of plants and trees that have become a labor of love for my wife. The greenery includes not only ornamental plants but also a variety of edible ones. Our basil, for instance, grows to almost tree-like proportions if not trimmed or harvested regularly. Smaller herbs like dill and oregano, along with our dozen or so pepper plants, also thrive here. Despite their differences, all these plants share one common feature: they produce flowers that attract a delightful array of winged visitors, from bees and hummingbirds to the less desirable wasps. Even our cactus contributes with an abundance of blossoms, adding to the lively scene that spills from the yard onto our porch.

The hummingbird is undoubtedly the star of this avian show, often acting as the fierce protector of its self-appointed "dining room." It's amusing to witness how territorial these tiny birds can be. They're quick to chase away other hummingbirds, bees, and wasps, asserting their dominance with surprising tenacity. However, our little king of the porch seems to have expanded his sense of ownership beyond his fellow creatures. He’s decided that human beings are also unwelcome intruders in his feeding territory.

Just the other day, my wife was out pruning some of the larger branches from our plants. As she worked, the hummingbird made it abundantly clear that her presence was not appreciated. There were no physical attacks, of course, but he executed a precise and persistent hovering maneuver just inches from her head and shoulders. We're talking about a mere 4 to 6 inches from her face! It was quite the spectacle, watching this tiny bird put on such a show of bravado. Despite his best efforts, he eventually gave up, but not without making it clear that the porch was his domain. As soon as my wife finished and moved away, he swooped back in, reclaiming the area with a sense of triumph.

You can't help but admire the little guy—he's just doing what he does best, and with such enthusiasm. His antics have become a source of amusement and admiration for us.

On a related note, you might find it interesting that here in Costa Rica, you can't buy hummingbird feeders. In fact, it’s against the law to keep birds in cages or even feed them in the wild. The reason behind this is simple but wise: naturalists want to prevent wildlife from becoming dependent on humans for their food. With Costa Rica's year-round abundance of natural food sources, there's no need for artificial feeding. The government’s stance on this reflects a deep respect for maintaining the balance of nature, ensuring that wildlife continues to thrive independently.

One thing that we all learn quickly when moving to Costa Rica and living here for a while. . ABUNDANCE is a key word that describes everything within the boundaries of this country. Keep in mind that Costa Rica is just about the size of West Virginia.  It doesn't take long to explore the entire area!  If you have ten days and a gassed-up 4x4 vehicle, then you'll be able to see just about everything under the sun!  And the experience will indeed change your life forever. .

Today's Story!
For Immediate Information on Moving to Costa Rica, Contact Kevin McNamee! CLICK HERE

Residency / Relocation / Legal Status / Real Estate

Over 20 years in the business of assisting individuals & families 
in their move to Costa Rica. .
YOUR Story, Adventure or Poem Goes Here!

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Be sure to check out the many reasons why 
Kevin & his wife, Sammy fell in love with 
Costa Rica over 30 years ago. . see below!
The Many Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica. .
We're Still Learning More Ways to Enjoy the Pura Vida Lifestyle. .
My wife, Sammy and I love to shop for tropical fruits. We utilize them multiple times daily in cooking, in preparing healthy smoothies and in learning the Spanish language.  If you're not familiar with the fruits available here in Costa Rica, be sure to GOOGLE this topic. If you're like us, you'll initially have a hard time pronouncing many of their names.  With fruits like Mamón chino, Guanabana, Pitihaya & Pejibaye, our tongues get quite a workout trying to call them by name! After 30+ years, we're still learning!  In addition to that, these fruits are sometimes complex and difficult to figure out how to peel, cut and prepare.  We still have not mastered their potential, but we're learning. I guess it doesn't take much to get us excited about life, but the tropical fruits of Costa Rica. . among other things, give us more ways to enjoy this amazing country!
There's MORE Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica
Click HERE for Page 5
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 Page 1 
We are Blessed with Many Different Brands of Coffee Here. .
My wife, Sammy and I enjoy sampling the varieties of coffee here in Costa Rica. The soil, climate and altitude just three of the reasons that this country is perfect for growing this amazing iconic plant.  Each region has a different taste and it's fun to not only change up our morning brew, but to visit the many coffee plantations around the country. Many plantations offer tours.  When you're in Costa Rica, be sure to schedule a tour. . you'll love the history behind each cup and the science that allows the coffee bean to reach its fullest flavor.  On top of that, the families who own these plantations are so proud of their generational efforts. I was going to write more, but Sammy just called me in. . coffee's ready! 
In Canada, We NEVER Had the Opportunity to 
Sip the Water Out of a Coconut Through a Straw. .
My wife, Sammy and I enjoy the TROPICAL life here in Costa Rica. The juicy fruits, the beautiful scenery and the amazing weather. . wow!  Another thing we look forward to almost every weekend is visiting the farmers market in downtown Santa Ana! Way down at the end on the right, you'll find the nice lady who sells coconuts with a straw. Her 8-year-old son sees us coming and immediately pulls out his machete. . which is almost bigger than he is! He starts his ritual of cutting through the husk and then the coconut until a hole appears. He grabs a straw from his side pouch and pops it into the hole. He's got perfect timing. When Sammy steps in front of his booth, she is presented with her own little personal coconut and SHE STARTS SIPPIN'! As she is sipping. . she is SMILING! Then, he begins to work on mine.  This is another reason why we love Costa Rica so much!  Pura Vida!
Jurassic Park in Our Backyard. .
My wife, Sammy and I have recently been exploring our backyard garden. From what started as a few plantings of spices, tropical flowers and a few fruit saplings and seeds is now as close to Jurassic Park as one could imagine! Now, our basil and rosemary bushes are as big a round as my overweight aunt and uncle from Canada! The avocado tree is producing at a record rate. . too many, to be honest with you and the same goes for our mango tree.  We give mangos and avocados away to total strangers now!  Abundance. . WOW! The hummingbirds are attracted to the specific flowers that we planted. And the varieties of species of tropical birds that we have visit us throughout the day and night are incredible.  We are in awe of what we have created.  It's to the point now that we could get lost in there if we aren't careful. . well, I'm exaggerating, but you catch my drift! The good news is that we'll never have to replant or start over. With tropical weather all year around here in Costa Rica, it continues to grow. ABUNDANCE is everywhere here in paradise!
Christmas in July! They Start Early Here in Costa Rica. .
My wife, Sammy and I went to PriceSmart (similar to a Costco or BJ's Warehouse) just off the main highway in Escazu yesterday.  We walked in and for a moment, we thought we had been catapulted a few months into the future. The Christmas decorations were up and they were selling Christmas ornaments, plastic trees and ALL the trimmings.  There's a few reasons that they start so early here. First, Christmas gets most of us in the Holiday spirit. . being with loved ones, creating lasting memories and enjoying time with friends and neighbors as well.  It is a joyous time of the year and PriceSmart wants to pull that festive feeling out of all of us a little early!  Second, many stores have been doing this for a long time. Before all of the paved highways and fast modes of transportation, the families who lived outside of the San Jose area would travel for hours, perhaps days. . to visit San Jose to get their shopping done. They would visit twice a year and load up with the things they needed for their lives back in the countryside, including their Christmas shopping.  And third, the stores know that when one gets in the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT, they open their purses and wallets that much wider!  They're no dummies. In any event, we stood there dazed and confused for a moment and then got back on track. Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas to all who want to start feeling the magic of Costa Rica at Christmas time a little EARLY!
We Enjoy Conversations with Newly-Arriving Expats. .
My husband, Kevin and I love to visit sodas, both local here around Santa Ana and Escazu and when we're on our day trips traveling all around Costa Rica. Many times, we sit down beside an Expat couple who just arrived here in paradise. A conversation is started by my chatty husband and the fun begins! So interesting to hear all about their new lives in Costa Rica. . their anticipations, their questions and their joy.  That's what life is all about. . meeting new people and collecting stories and adventures. What a wonderful life here in Costa Rica for all who make that decision to move here!
We Enjoy the Strumming of the Ukulele and Singing Along with Lester. .
My husband, Kevin and I find immense joy in the tranquil evenings spent on our back porch, where we relax and soak in the soothing ambiance of our surroundings. One of our favorite pastimes is listening to Lester, our talented neighbor, who has mastered the art of playing the ukulele. As the sun sets and the sky above us transforms into a canvas of vibrant hues, Lester's melodies fill the air, creating a serene and magical atmosphere. His repertoire of Spanish songs, learned through dedication and passion, adds a delightful cultural touch to our evenings. Many Expats try different things when they move to Costa Rica. . they learn how to play musical instruments. . they learn how to cook. . they become ONE with something that they have been putting off all of their lives.  Kevin grabs a 5-gallon bucket for a few drum rolls and I sing along. Lester, Kevin and I have our own little Latin band going here.  Watch for us on American Idol coming this fall. . Yea, RIGHT!

We Seem to Appreciate All of the Little Things That Matter Now. .
We all must admit that we have been at the point in our lives when we had to purchase something big to make us happy. In a few days, THAT little bout of happiness wears off until the next purchase comes around. Have you ever said. . or have you heard a friend or family member say, "If I only had a new car, I would be so very happy". . or, "When I can buy a new house, my life will be complete." Here in Costa Rica, we always seem to come across individuals who are happy beyond belief simply when they see a beautiful sunset or they come home from a hard day at work and they are sitting with their family at the dinner table. Being here in Costa Rica for over 30 years has helped my husband, Kevin and I to really appreciate each moment of each day.  We don't need that new car or new home anymore to fulfill and enrich our lives. On the contrary, we only need to bite into a fresh mango that just was picked from our tree in our yard. When we prepare a big pot of soup and I go out to my back yard & pick a handful of basil from our huge, healthy plant, that's all it takes to put smiles on our faces. This Pura Vida Lifestyle is magical in so many ways.
We Appreciate the Kindheartedness of the Ticos. .
My husband, Kevin was walking to downtown Santa Ana. . about a mile away from our front doorstep.  The walkway bordering the street is not paved and he came across a driveway that was covered with gravel. The pathway was on a slope, so he slipped and fell. He wasn't hurt, but of course it startled him. It didn't take but a minute for two cars to pull over, stop and assist him. One kind man offered to take him to the hospital. The other offered him a ride the rest of the way. They brushed him off, helped him to his feet and drove off into the sunset. Kevin's elbow was scraped, but his heart was comforted by this showing of kindness. You'll hear a lot of these stories from us about the goodwill of these amazing Costa Rican people. We love it here in paradise! If you're going to slip and fall, make sure it happens in Costa Rica!