Costa Rica Good News Report
William "Skip" Licht, Your Host  /  Your "Nothing but Good News" Website Promoting One of the Happiest Countries on the Planet

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Kevin's Corner Page 5. .
Sharing good-news stories, adventures & poems about Costa Rica & the Pura Vida Lifestyle every day!
Never underestimate the logic of an older Costa Rican, especially one like Carlos, who hit the driving scene late in life. Carlos, bless his soul, took up driving sometime between his late sixties and mid-seventies. Whether he’s had a license for years or picked one up at a yard sale is anyone's guess. But his foray into the "art" of driving is a recent development.

Now, on the outskirts of town, we have a four-way stop that’s basically a gold mine for the local police. One fine Tuesday afternoon, it was Carlos's turn to grace this intersection with his unique style. When the stop sign said “alto,” most people would, you know, stop. Not Carlos. He not only ignored the stop sign but decided midway through the intersection that it was a perfect time for a sharp left turn—right in front of an oncoming pickup truck.

Chaos ensued. Tires screeched like they were auditioning for a horror movie. People screamed like they were about to meet their maker. The local cops, mid-sip of their coffee and mid-gossip about who-knows-what, snapped to attention. But Carlos? Completely unaware of the chaos he’d caused, he cruised through the intersection, none the worse for wear. About 200 meters down the road, he finally stopped to see what all the fuss was about.

Now, Carlos is a well-known figure in our community. He’s got a family so big it could start its own small country, spanning four generations. And everyone likes him. Normally, that doesn’t matter much when it comes to the law, but small-town logic works differently. So, when the local police approached him to investigate this three-car pile-up, Carlos was all too happy to chat.

“Carlos, did you drive through the intersection today?”
“Yes, I did,” he replied.
“Carlos, did you turn left into oncoming traffic?”
“Yep, sure did.”
“Carlos, did you use your turn signals to indicate you were turning left?”
“What do you mean?” Carlos asked, genuinely puzzled.
“Carlos, the turn signals on your vehicle—did you use them?”
“Oh, no. They don’t work,” he said, matter-of-factly.
“Carlos, did you at least put your hand out the window to signal your turn?”
With the wisdom only age can bring, Carlos looked at the officer like he’d just asked the world’s dumbest question and said, “Sonny, if they couldn’t see my big ol’ truck turning across the highway, how in God’s good name are they gonna see my wee hand?”

And that was that. No more was ever heard about the near accident, and no insurance claims were ever filed. Because in this town, Carlos’s logic was as good as any law book. This is the simple logic of the PURA VIDA Lifestyle!

Today's Story!
For Immediate Information on Moving to Costa Rica, Contact Kevin McNamee! CLICK HERE

Residency / Relocation / Legal Status / Real Estate

Over 20 years in the business of assisting individuals & families 
in their move to Costa Rica. .
YOUR Story, Adventure or Poem Goes Here!

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The Many Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica. .
We Love the Expat Community Structure Here in Costa Rica. .
My wife, Sammy and I both appreciate the fact that the Expat community in Costa Rica is a vibrant and supportive network that offers a warm welcome to newcomers and a sense of belonging to those who have been here for years. This community is diverse, bringing together people from all walks of life who share a common love for the Pura Vida lifestyle. New residents find comfort in the shared experiences of seasoned Expats who are always ready to offer advice, share their favorite local spots and provide a helping hand. Whether it’s through organized meetups, language exchange programs or casual gatherings at local cafes and beaches, there’s always an opportunity to connect and build meaningful relationships. For those who have called Costa Rica home for many years, the Expat community continues to be a source of joy and enrichment. Long-term residents cherish the friendships they’ve built and the mutual support that makes every day brighter. This network is like an extended family, celebrating milestones together and navigating challenges with collective wisdom and empathy. The sense of unity and camaraderie not only enhances the quality of life, but also reinforces the decision to embrace the beautiful, relaxed way of life that Costa Rica offers. The bonds formed within this community truly make living in Costa Rica an even more rewarding experience.
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Be sure to check out the many reasons why Kevin & his wife, Sammy fell in love with Costa Rica over 30 years ago. .  see below!
Our Friend, Charlie Left His Wallet at the Cashier's Stand. .
My wife, Sammy and I both have seen the good deeds that many of the Ticos do here for neighbors and family.  At times, this spills over to strangers as well.
Our friend, Charlie was visiting here from Vancouver three weeks ago.  We went shopping at a local supermarket and stocked up for the week. Charlie was here for about ten days and we wanted to prepare some good food every day for him. We wanted to pay, but he insisted. We left the store, got out to the car and started to put the groceries in the trunk. Charlie realized that he had left his wallet in the store.  His passport was in there. . his money and all of his credit cards.  We all thought the worst and started walking. . no, RUNNING towards the entrance! Well, at the same time, the young cashier was running out to meet Charlie. . with HIS WALLET in her hand!  She didn't want us to leave before returning it to Charlie.  Charlie was so grateful and tried to give her 10,000 Colones. . she smiled and said, "No, gracias." We see this display of honesty over and over again here in Costa Rica. Charlie put his heart back into his chest and we all had a wonderful time together. He had a HUGE "GOOD NEWS" story to tell when he returned to Canada!
Your Daily Life Here in Costa Rica Doesn't Have to be Expensive. .
My wife, Sammy and I remember the expense of living in the Vancouver area over 30 years ago.  And now, it's almost impossible to stay up with all of the expenses, the taxes and the rat race of life in Canada.  We do understand that Costa Rica is not as cheap as it used to be to live.  However, there are so many ways to cut corners and still enjoy a wonderful lifestyle. For those of you who live here either part-time or full-time, we know that you have found ways to enjoy life here at a discount. We have fun every day discovering more ways to do so.  The first thing that one can do is to start a garden, either in your yard or even on your patio/deck. Now, they even sell the vertical gardens that you can hang on a wall inside or outside your home. If you don't have too much room, you can still grow herbs and spices, peppers and lettuce. We'll be discussing the many ways that we have learned how to save a little cash here and there in future writings! Once you get in that mindset, it's kinda fun!
Yams & Cucumbers in Canada, But NEVER Coffee. .
My wife, Sammy and I had a garden at our home in the Vancouver area so many years ago.  Tomatoes, lettuce, yams and cucumbers were planted in neat rows and we always had the fixin's for a good salad every day for lunch!
This year, we decided to start growing coffee! Growing your own coffee plants in your garden in Costa Rica is an incredibly rewarding endeavor that connects you with one of the country’s most iconic traditions. Costa Rica’s rich volcanic soil, ideal climate and abundant rainfall create the perfect conditions for cultivating high-quality coffee beans. Starting your coffee garden can be a delightful journey, from selecting the right variety of coffee plant to nurturing it through its growth stages. As you care for your plants, you’ll experience the satisfaction of watching them flourish and eventually bear fruit. The process of harvesting, drying and roasting your own beans is a labor of love that culminates in the ultimate reward: a cup of coffee brewed from beans you nurtured from the ground up. Until we get to the point where we know what we're doing, we're still buying coffee locally. But, we did get some plants from a friend in the Tres Rios area and planted them about a month ago! We'll keep you posted on our progress!

Aging Gracefully with All of the Benefits & Features of the 
Pura Vida Lifestyle By Your Side. .
My husband, Kevin and I aren't getting any younger! Sometimes we wake up and wonder where the time has gone.  We often discuss why time seems to go faster as one tears off the daily calendar pages one by one.  All of a sudden you wake up, look in the mirror and can't believe what happened or WHO that person is staring back at you!  With that said, residing in Costa Rica seems to ease the 'pain' just a bit. With everything that this country has to offer. . from enjoying a cup of coffee together in our backyard garden, surrounded by birds and butterflies. . from the amazing weather and feeling the sun on your face, even in November, to biting into a myriad of juicy, tropical fruits, life is good here.  There are so many benefits to becoming ONE with the Pura Vida Lifestyle.  Aging GRACEFULLY is one of them.

No Reason to Feel Guilty if You Want to Put Something Off Until Later. .
My husband, Kevin and I used to have a very hard time not getting things done in a timely manner. Back in Canada so long ago, if we had something to do, well. . we'd start immediately.  Fixing a broken drawer. . waxing the car. . cleaning out the closet. . all those little things that tend to back up on you if you don't QUICKLY check them off on your "to-do" list. And then. . we moved to Costa Rica. It's not that everyone is lazy here. . it's not that all of us don't have those daily goals that we love to achieve. It's just the way of life here.  If, for some reason, you don't "GETAROUNDTUIT," it doesn't matter one bit. It's a mindset and it's an integral part of the Pura Vida Lifestyle. "Procrastination" is not a dirty word here in Costa Rica. It's just that there are more important alternatives. . like taking a walk in a park. . enjoying a good movie with the one you love. . spending time with friends. . brewing up a batch of healthy chicken soup and some freshly-baked bread for your neighbor! THAT's what is important here. . the "to-do" list can wait. .

We're Always Surprising Our Neighbors & They're Surprising Us. .
My wife, Sammy and I love our neighbors! And that is one little secret to having a wonderful life here in Costa Rica. . know and LOVE your neighbors.  We are in the business of assisting individuals and families in their move to Costa Rica. We always get to know our clients well and most of them turn into good friends. During our initial conversations when they are considering us to assist them with their Residency process, we ask a lot of questions. It always seems to come up that they don't know their neighbors in their home country. Everyone is so busy and most people seem to keep to themselves. We discuss how it is different here in Costa Rica. For example. . yesterday, I was on the phone with my associate in Florida.  I had to cut our conversation short because our neighbor, Ana, brought over some homemade soup and freshly-baked bread! There was no reason for this. . no special occasion!  I checked the calendar and it WASN'T my birthday!  She just wanted to DO SOMETHING nice for us.  Conversely, we always do the same for Ana and her husband.  It's a great way to live and so enjoyable for all involved. . every day anticipating a surprise given to us or a surprise given BY us to our neighbors.  This is an integral part of the PURA VIDA Lifestyle!

We Break Out in Dance for No Reason at All. .
Imagine being happy beyond belief. . 24/7/365! In this crazy world of ours, full of chaos, war, political unrest, greed, jealousy, arrogance and stress, sometimes it takes a MIRACLE to be happy. . even if only for a morning or afternoon. IMAGINE feeling this way all the time. Well, that's what a lot of people have found here in Costa Rica. . PURE HAPPINESS. . Pura Vida.
When's the last time you and your partner just grabbed each other and started dancing?  Wherever you are in this world reading this, grab the one you love and shake a tail feather for a minute or two. They will think you have gone NUTS, but that's ok. Then give us a call and learn all about Costa Rica and the Pura Vida Lifestyle. We'll give you at least a few dozen reasons why we shake OUR tail feathers every day! 

There's MORE Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica
Click HERE for Page 6!