Costa Rica Good News Report
William "Skip" Licht, Your Host  /  Your "Nothing but Good News" Website Promoting One of the Happiest Countries on the Planet

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Kevin's Corner Page 6. .
Sharing good-news stories, adventures & poems about Costa Rica & the Pura Vida Lifestyle every day!
Kevin and Sammy are noticing more of the "PuraVidaItis" going around in Costa Rica.  It's a Modern-Day Epidemic!

Once upon a time, in the not-so-far-away land of Costa Rica, a strange and delightful phenomenon began to spread. It all started with a simple phrase: "Pura Vida." For the uninitiated, this translates to "pure life," but to those who catch the highly contagious condition known as PuraVidaItis, it means something far more profound. It began innocently enough. A few tourists visited Costa Rica and experienced the vibrant culture, warm people, and stunning natural beauty. They returned home and noticed something odd: an uncontrollable urge to smile at everyone, a strange compulsion to say "Pura Vida" every time someone asked how they were doing, and an overwhelming desire to slow down and enjoy life. The first few cases were dismissed as "post-vacation bliss," but soon, the symptoms spread, and it became clear that something much more significant was happening.

Doctors, perplexed by this new condition, tried to find a cure, but to no avail. PuraVidaItis was here to stay, and it was spreading like wildfire. The symptoms were easy to spot: a constant tan (regardless of whether the person had actually been in the sun), a love for Gallo pinto, a habit of taking long, leisurely strolls without a care in the world, and the sudden ability to speak Spanish—at least enough to order a coffee and say "gracias" with perfect pronunciation.

Soon, reports started coming in from all over the world. People in New York City were abandoning their fast-paced lifestyles to open juice bars and yoga studios. In Paris, locals traded in their baguettes for fresh papaya. Even in Tokyo, businessmen were seen taking naps in public parks, under the guise of "recharging their Pura Vida energy."

The world was baffled. What was this PuraVidaItis, and why was it so unstoppable? The media, always eager for a sensational story, dubbed it "The Pura Vida Pandemic," and experts from every field were called in to study it. Some thought it was a psychological condition, triggered by a desperate need to escape the stresses of modern life. Others believed it was caused by a mysterious tropical virus, possibly transmitted by the delicious coffee that everyone seemed to be drinking. But despite their best efforts, no one could pinpoint the exact cause—or the cure.

As the weeks turned into months, it became clear that there was no stopping PuraVidaItis. People embraced their new, laid-back lifestyles with gusto. Meetings were replaced with beachside chats, deadlines were extended indefinitely, and the phrase "mañana" became the standard response to any request.

Eventually, even the doctors who were originally trying to cure the condition succumbed to its charms. They traded in their lab coats for flip-flops and surfboards, and the medical community, once dedicated to eradicating PuraVidaItis, now found themselves promoting it as the healthiest lifestyle on Earth.

And so, PuraVidaItis became a permanent fixture in society. The world became a little slower, a little kinder, and a lot more relaxed. As for a cure? Well, no one really wanted one anymore. After all, who could resist a life full of pura vida?

Today's Story!
For Immediate Information on Moving to Costa Rica, Contact Kevin McNamee! CLICK HERE

Residency / Relocation / Legal Status / Real Estate

Over 20 years in the business of assisting individuals & families 
in their move to Costa Rica. .
YOUR Story, Adventure or Poem Goes Here!

Send us your story at [email protected]
The Many Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica. .
We Volunteer at the Local Animal Shelter in Escazu. .
My wife, Sammy and I love animals. We had lots of horses on our spread in Vancouver so long ago. Of course, there has been dogs and cats in our lives as well.  We have a cat here at home who adopted US one day.  She looks just like an ocelot! We began volunteering at the shelter close to our home and we love being involved in the care and neutering of cats and dogs who have no home. We try our best to share our love with them and wonderfully, many are placed in new homes. For those Expats who are considering a move to Costa Rica and want something to keep them busy, there's a lot of things to sink your teeth into here.  Contact us today and we'll share with you the benefits and features of the Pura Vida Lifestyle here in Costa Rica! AND. .
we'll help you with your RESIDENCY process as well!
Page 6
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Be sure to check out the many reasons why Kevin & his wife, Sammy fell in love with Costa Rica over 30 years ago. .  see below!
There's MORE Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica
Click HERE for Page 7!
We Both Have Grown to Become More Patient Human Beings. .
My wife, Sammy and I, like most of us, have lived  busy, hectic-at-times lives. Being a salesman all my life, I am used to deadlines, quotas, setting goals and achieving them. And when I wanted something done in the past. . if I had something to do, I would expect for those around me to facilitate my efforts in a timely manner.  Well, we all know that in Costa Rica, things are a bit different. Things don't usually get done as efficiently as we are all used to. And, Sammy and I have grown to understand that this is indeed a GOOD THING!  You see, living in Costa Rica has taught us a few valuable lessons in life. We are more patient with people and with situations playing out.  We have more respect for time here. We don't desire to always be busy or having a strong need to get things done quickly.  We enjoy every moment of every day and love to create a joyous occasion out of a somewhat mundane occurence. We've simply slowed down and we're smelling the roses every day.  We are the epitome of composure, poise and constraint and we invite others to follow in our footsteps. You see, in Costa Rica, you must adapt to this way of life. If you do so, you will enjoy happiness and joy beyond belief.
We Love to Study the History of This Area of Costa Rica. .
My wife, Sammy and I live in a cozy little town that was first inhabited way back in 1769 by a Spanish expedition leader, Don Gaspár de Portola, who gave the area its name, "Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana." Today, Santa Ana is a peaceful town just west of Escazu.  We have a church in the downtown area that was built in 1869 and became the heart of the community, serving as both a religious center and a gathering place for the people of Santa Ana. Built in a simple colonial style, it reflects the architectural trends of the time, with thick adobe walls, wooden beams and a modest bell tower that called the faithful to worship. We love spending time learning all about the history of this area and how life used to be for those who first lived here.  Sometimes, all of us get so wrapped up in the present that we forget about the past and how we can learn so much from those who came before us. Living in Costa Rica gives us time to explore the way it used to be! 
We Always Seem to Meet So Many Interesting People Here . .
My wife, Sammy and I have the mindset of "a stranger is just a friend who we haven't met yet!" Two days ago, we were in the downtown area of San Jose at one of our favorite sodas and started chatting with a couple sitting at the next table!  Dave & Janie. . An artist & a poet. . they shared with us that they feel right at home here in a land where there is no shortage of images to draw & words to make rhyme! A couple, blessed with an amazing backdrop to build upon. . and for all the world to enjoy. Straight from New York City, this colorful & vibrant couple have been living here for only six months. They are now completely free of crowds, smog, stress & rats racing! Now, their biggest decision is to have ONE CUP of coffee or TWO as the sun rises in the East! And they aren't complaining! They told us that they built a small home, with most of its living space situated outside. A wrap-around covered porch hugs three sides of their abode. An outdoor stove makes cooking an outdoor activity. . and the chorreador is displayed proudly on the countertop, closest to the sunrise! They invited us over next week and we can't wait to get to know them better! This seems to happen all the time here in Costa Rica. . new friends & good times!
We Have Embraced the Essence of the Pura Vida Lifestyle . .
My wife, Sammy and I. . like most folks, used to worry about everything! We were concerned about how someone felt about us. . we were not happy with the way we did something the week before. . we worried about the future! We had so many, "WHAT IF's" spinning around in our heads. It drove us crazy and added another layer of unwanted and unnecessary stress in our lives.  THEN, we found out about the PURA VIDA Lifestyle and we BECAME ONE with it.  Our lives changed within a week. . it's that STRONG!  No worrying anymore about what happened YESTERDAY. . we don't really stress about the future! All of our efforts go into having a WONDERFUL DAY TODAY! Simple as that. The GOOD NEWS is that you don't really have to physically be in Costa Rica to live this kind of life. . you only need to ADJUST your mindset! Try it starting today and let us know when it kicks in! It's a great way to go through life!
Time Doesn't Fly By So Quickly Here in Costa Rica . .
My husband, Kevin and I have had a wonderful life. We've lived in Canada, spent some time in the Bahamas and we are now here in Costa Rica. I can't believe we've been here for over 30 years.  We all can agree that as one gets older, time seems to speed up quite a bit!  There are theories why this happens.  One theory is that when we are younger, we experience new things on a daily basis. We are exposed to new adventures and discoveries. This keeps our minds occupied and time just moseys along at a normal velocity!  As we age, we tend to do the same things over and over again.  We have been through it all, done everything that can be done and have experienced life from top to bottom, left to right, inside and out!  Because of that, our minds are not stimulated with new adventures like what used to happen when we were younger and time does indeed pass by so very quickly.  I guess if you agree with this theory, the key to slowing down the passing of time is to continue to explore and do new things each and every day, continuously stimulating your mind, body and spirit!  This is certainly not hard to do here in Costa Rica. We love it here and we both still feel like we're 21 years old!  Gotta go. . we're off on another adventure today!
Peace of Mind is Where It's At . .
My husband, Kevin and I have had our share of worries in our lives.  Just like anyone else, you go through good times and bad times. What we've found is that if you simply sheer off those high hills. . the good times, and do the same with those deep valleys. . the bad times, then you'll live a life that will be more manageable and even-keeled. After all, if you build your life around Mother Nature, a laid-back mindset and sprinkle in some good friends, fun times, laughter and always wearing a smile, then happiness will be YOUR NORM.  Costa Rica seems to have allowed us to do this and it's safe to say that when YOU KNOW what WE KNOW about how living the PURA VIDA Lifestyle can set the stage for YOU, you'll feel abundance, joy and peace every day! Can't beat it! We welcome you to contact us today and we'll show you how to begin the process. .
It's as Simple as This . .
My husband, Kevin and I wanted to share a 'short but sweet' reason why being here in Costa Rica is so wonderful. Living in Costa Rica is a life-changing experience for many because it allows you to embrace a slower, more intentional lifestyle that revolves around nature, simplicity and joy. The breathtaking landscapes, from lush rainforests and majestic volcanoes to pristine beaches, create a constant connection to the environment. The "Pura Vida" mindset encourages gratitude, relaxation and a focus on the present moment. The warm, welcoming people, combined with fresh, healthy food, a peaceful atmosphere and countless opportunities for adventure, offer a sense of fulfillment and peace. For many, it’s a chance to rediscover what truly matters in life and to live more harmoniously with the world around them.