Costa Rica Good News Report
William "Skip" Licht, Your Host  /  Your "Nothing but Good News" Website Promoting One of the Happiest Countries on the Planet

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Kevin's Corner Page 7. .
Sharing good-news stories, adventures & poems about Costa Rica & the Pura Vida Lifestyle every day!
Kevin and Sammy have lived in Costa Rica for over 30 years, and each day they fall more in love with the beauty that surrounds them. Nestled in a small home on the outskirts of the vibrant capital city of San Jose and not far from many of the national parks, their lives are filled with the serenity of nature. From their back porch, they can hear the soothing sounds of chirping birds, the gentle hum of insects and hummingbirds, and the occasional rustle of the trees. Their days are peaceful and full of connection to the world around them.

One of their favorite activities is exploring the national parks that dot Costa Rica’s diverse landscape. With over 30 national parks to choose from, each visit brings new discoveries. Kevin and Sammy feel blessed to have the opportunity to experience the country’s incredible biodiversity. They cherish their time spent hiking through lush rainforests, breathing in the crisp, fresh air, and soaking in the vibrant greens and deep blues that only Costa Rica can offer.

One morning, they set out for a day of adventure at Manuel Antonio National Park, a gem along the Pacific coast. Their excitement buzzed in the air as they packed a small lunch and grabbed their well-worn hiking boots. The sky was a brilliant blue and the air carried the scent of the ocean, mixed with the earthy aroma of the forest.

As they began their hike, the sounds of the rainforest greeted them. . playful birds chirping in the trees, the distant call of howler monkeys and the steady hum of life all around. Kevin held Sammy’s hand, and they moved in harmony with the rhythm of the forest, every step an opportunity to connect more deeply with nature. The trail wound through towering trees, their leaves forming a canopy that dappled the sunlight on the path below.

Along the way, they paused to admire a family of capuchin monkeys playing overhead, swinging from branch to branch. Sammy smiled at Kevin, her eyes sparkling with joy. “This never gets old,” she whispered. Kevin nodded, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the life they had built together.

They continued their walk, marveling at the rich diversity of plants and animals they encountered. A vibrant blue morpho butterfly flitted past, its wings catching the light in a magical display. They stopped to listen to the rush of a hidden waterfall nearby, its sound mingling with the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze.

By the time they reached a secluded beach, the sun was beginning to dip toward the horizon. Kevin and Sammy sat down on the warm sand, their hearts full from the day’s journey. They watched as the sky transformed into shades of pink and orange, the ocean reflecting the vibrant colors.

“This is why we’re here,” Kevin said softly, squeezing Sammy’s hand. “Costa Rica is a land of abundance, and it’s ours to enjoy, to protect and to cherish.” Sammy smiled, resting her head on his shoulder as they watched the day fade into a peaceful night, feeling deeply connected to each other and to the beauty of the world around them.

Today's Story!
For Immediate Information on Moving to Costa Rica, Contact Kevin McNamee! CLICK HERE

Residency / Relocation / Legal Status / Real Estate

Over 20 years in the business of assisting individuals & families 
in their move to Costa Rica. .
YOUR Story, Adventure or Poem Goes Here!

Send us your story at [email protected]
The Many Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica. .
New Adventures are Locked & Loaded! We're Waiting for YOU. .
My wife, Sammy and I have shared with you to date dozens of reasons why Costa Rica may hold the MAGIC that you need to begin a new chapter of your life. If you have any desire whatsoever within you and want to learn more about Costa Rica and the Pura Vida Lifestyle, contact us today.  We understand that this is a very important decision, laced with questions and concerns. . and we're here to provide answers!  Looking forward to hearing from you!
Page 7
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 Page 1 
Be sure to check out the many reasons why Kevin & his wife, Sammy fell in love with Costa Rica over 30 years ago. .  see below!
There's MORE Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica
Click Here for Page 8!
Now's the Time to Start Planning! What's Holding You Back?
My wife, Sammy and I were never procrastinators. Even back in Canada over 30 years ago, if something needed to be done, we "GOTTER DONE!" Then, we moved to Costa Rica and we had to learn how to tamp down our desire to always be on top of our "TO-DO" lists. We experienced a learning curve, but now we've taken control.  We PRIORITIZE what we need to do. We practice the "Pura Vida Lifestyle" 100%. . 24/7/365! With that said, what we want to discuss here is that we meet so many Expats who have been thinking about starting a new life in Costa Rica for years! And just about every one of them shared with us that they wish they would have made the decision to come here earlier in life.  Just wanted to pass this along.  Sometimes, we all suffer from "Analysis Paralysis!" If you're sure, then don't hesitate. And, as always, keep in mind that we're here to assist in the process!  We'd love to talk!  Pura Vida!
We Get to Hear All of the Exciting Stories About Our Clients' Lives. .
My wife, Sammy and I love to hear stories about happiness, success and joy!  Because we're in the business of assisting individuals & families in their Residency process and their move to Costa Rica, we stay in touch.  Our clients become our friends. A few months or a few years later, many share their stories with us and we, in turn, share their stories with the world through our social media accounts, our podcast series, our YouTube channel and our websites.  We know for a fact that a human-interest story is the best way to share all of the GOOD NEWS coming out of Costa Rica. So stay tuned and enjoy what we're bringing to you each and every day. . forever! 
We Have Turned the TV OFF & are Now Enjoying Life as It Should be Enjoyed. .
My wife, Sammy and I love to keep the TV turned off in our home. We used to be news junkies and stayed up with current events every moment of every day. We were attached from the hip to sitcoms, documentaries and comedy shows. NOW. . well, we are enjoying each other more, reading more books, taking more walks and making more new friends. Who the heck needs a TV blasting loudly in the home?  No more. . ever!  Life is too short and there's too much to do!
We Don't Need All of the Bells & Whistles Anymore. .
My husband, Kevin and I are old fashioned!  We are proud of the fact that it doesn't take much to have a wonderful day anymore. Our highlights include enjoying coffee together in the morning, working in the garden and having good friends over for lunch or dinner. We enjoy talking about the past and how our lives have changed for the better. We definitely keep life simple and we don't need all of the fluff and fireworks to get us excited!  Costa Rica and the Pura Vida Lifestyle offers a perfect venue for this type of life! Simple as that!
We're More Open in Our Thinking Here in Costa Rica. .
My husband, Kevin and I are ABSOLUTELY NOT set in our ways! We used to be. . but not anymore! One benefit of getting older and claiming your place here on earth is that you don't have to change for anyone.  Well, with that attitude, we now realize that one can become stubborn and stone-faced, not moving an inch from one's point of view or stance on something. While living in Costa Rica, we have learned to become more fluid in our thoughts. . listening with our TWO EARS twice as much as talking with our ONE MOUTH!  And if you can persuade us, then we're better people for it! This attitude, we believe, makes for a venue that allows new thoughts and ideas to sink in. We're always open to a good conversation with somone with whom we don't agree!  We welcome it. .
Every Day is WAY Better than the Day Before. .
My wife, Sammy and I are optimists. We've had a pretty darn good attitude for the last 30+ years. . since we've been in Costa Rica. Absolutely nothing brings us down.  Even when we have health issues or the car's got a flat tire, well. . it's just a part of our day. We deal with it, we find a solution, we survive and we're ready for another day. Living in Costa Rica has made every moment a MAGICAL moment for us.  Every day that we wake up. . every sunrise that we experience. . every meal that we prepare for ourselves comes with the proposal that today is going to be the BEST DAY of our lives. . a simply frame of mind that has been a life-changer for us!  Contact us if you desire and we'll tell you all about the magic that one feels when living in Costa Rica!  We'll help you adapt to the Pura Vida Lifestyle!
Eventually, We'll GET TO IT. .
My wife, Sammy and I used to be set in our ways. If it was a weekend, we'd either be cleaning out the closets and arranging our home, cleaning and freshening up, or. . we'd be on a weekend trip somewhere fun.  We had our priorities and we had a plan of action. . always. After moving to Costa Rica, we are not as structured. We let things go that aren't really that important and we try to experience more things together. A walk in the park.. a lunch at a local soda or a trip to a friend's house is usually what comes up on a daily basis. no schedules. . no 'cleaning' days. . no set formulas. We're only here to live one day at a time and take things as they come. It's a lot more refreshing this way and WAY LESS STRESSFUL! We've learned to flow with the wind here in one of the happiest countries on the planet!
Preparing Soup in a Pot Handed Down from Kevin's Grandmother. .
My husband, Kevin and I are soup lovers. Our sacred ritual is to brew up a pot of soup at least once a week! We don't have a 'favorite' recipe. Every week is different. . whatever we're in the mood for. We go to the backyard garden and pick a little handful of this and a little pinch of that! Whatever we're in the mood for, well. . that's what is included.  That pot we use has been host to hundreds, perhaps THOUSANDS of variations of broth, chicken, beans and veggies of all sorts. And every time we use that old pot, Kevin comes up with another story about what he remembers way back when he helped his grandmother in the kitchen. I'll have to admit that I have never heard the same story twice. Kevin's stories are as magical as the soup we prepare. .
Political Unrest, Hatred & Constant Commotion. .
My husband, Kevin and I have many friends in the USA and in Canada. It seems like every time we speak with them, they are complaining about the STATE OF AFFAIRS in both countries. With the political climate especially at a peak in the USA, our friends share with us that they are bombarded with negativity 24/7.  Hatred, unrest, rampant crime and a sense of being overwhelmed are the norm now. Kevin and I are happy to report that the only bad vibes we see here in Costa Rica are two hummingbirds fighting for the same flower in our backyard garden. When you move to Costa Rica, you'll feel an overwhelming calm. It will uplift your soul and refresh your mind, body and spirit. .
"Keeping Up with the Joneses". .
My wife, Sammy and I never tried to "outdo" our neighbors and friends way back when in Canada. We always wished the best for all of those about who we cared.  So, this current frame of mind sits well with us here in Santa Ana, Costa Rica. But think about today's world. . it seems like many try so very hard to make known to others that they are doing great in life! They have no cares and worries and life is a bowl of cherries! It's a strange concept. . probably making those who exercise these actions feel like they're "AHEAD" of everyone around them.  Here in Costa Rica, our cars seem to stay dirty, our goals are not selfish and our lives are filled with a peaceful connection with nature. I don't see the jealousy here like we saw in our old way of life in Vancouver. If your car is 15 years old and runs good, there's no reason to buy a shiny, red sports car for the reason of showing off.  Call me crazy, but Sammy and I love this simple way of thinking. .