Costa Rica Good News Report
William "Skip" Licht, Your Host  /  Your "Nothing but Good News" Website Promoting One of the Happiest Countries on the Planet

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Kevin's Corner. .
Sharing good-news stories, adventures & poems about Costa Rica & the Pura Vida Lifestyle every day!

Attraction, investigation, relationship...and then, what? Sometimes, what begins as a flirtation can take a swift turn. This is the story of a love affair gone wrong—not with a person, but with the humble zucchini, often seen, seldom considered, and even less frequently consumed.

It all began with the innocent act of tossing a zucchini into a pot of soup. A mixed vegetable soup, to be exact. The zucchini didn't add much flavor, but it did give the soup a bit more body. It seemed a harmless way to use up some of the rapidly-multiplying zucchinis that had taken a stronghold in our garden. However, that was just the beginning of the battle. These fast-growing green monsters had their own designs, seemingly intent on taking over the garden and, soon, our lives.

Desperate for new ways to use this vegetable, we searched for fresh recipes featuring the Big Z. The first attempt? Zucchini lasagna. Sliced into long, thin ribbons to substitute for pasta, it was actually a surprise hit. The dish turned out delicious, but, alas, it barely made a dent in the mountain of zucchinis ripening in the garden.

Next came an attempt to disguise them as a sort of breaded delicacy. We sliced the zucchinis into rounds, coated them in bread crumbs with an egg wash, and fried them until they were nicely browned on both sides. A slice of cheese was placed on every second patty before being sandwiched together with another patty. A double “kill,” or so we thought, using up twice the amount of zucchini in one go. The kitchen smelled wonderful, and the result was tasty, but again, the supply of zucchinis barely wavered.

It became clear that this was no ordinary surplus problem; it was a full-scale zucchini invasion. The attempts to level the playing field were moderately successful, but Mother Nature had other plans. Despite our efforts, the garden was still overflowing with these overzealous vegetables. Our household, and likely every family within a five-mile radius, could not consume enough to keep up with the supply. Even more exasperating, it turned out that people didn’t want them. We couldn’t give the darn things away. And there we were, standing in the middle of a zucchini-laden battlefield, unable to stand the sight of another green vegetable and even more reluctant to continue experimenting with them in the kitchen.

The decision was clear. The Big Z had worn out its welcome. What had started as a promising relationship had devolved into frustration and annoyance. The zucchinis had to go. Banished from the garden, it was decided: there would be no more zucchini. A lesson learned in abundance and restraint—sometimes, even the best of intentions can turn sour.

There's a lesson to be learned from this. However, I don't know what it is.  Sometimes, no matter how hard one tries to make something fit in to their lives, it just doesn't synch properly.  I guess one could say that you have to "know when to hold 'em, and you have to know when to fold 'em!  Pura Vida!

Today's Story!
For Immediate Information on Moving to Costa Rica, Contact Kevin McNamee! CLICK HERE

Residency / Relocation / Legal Status / Real Estate

Over 20 years in the business of assisting individuals & families 
in their move to Costa Rica. .
YOUR Story, Adventure or Poem Goes Here!

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Be sure to check out the many reasons why 
Kevin & his wife, Sammy fell in love with 
Costa Rica over 30 years ago. . see below!
The Many Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica. .
We Love Outdoor Activities. . Especially Enjoying the Ocean Close By. .
We remember the morning that we all chartered a boat to go deep-sea fishing. . cold beer, a quiet sea, good company and a fair bit of fishing success. . and the best tuna we ever ate. My wife caught the first one. . perhaps 12-14 lbs. Definitely fresh, as this fish was only minutes out of the water. The boat owner, Carlos, suggested a snack. Fresh tuna. . thinly sliced, fresh limes (actually a local sour orange as I found out later), fresh baked bread and all washed down by the best beer in the country. . Imperial Silver. This is just one moment of many that spoiled us! 30+ years and we still feel the magic!
The Ticos are Amazing. . So Warm & Friendly. .
Still a fairly young man when I first came to Costa Rica, I was about to change a tire that had decided to go flat. No sooner than getting the trunk opened did I receive some uninvited, but certainly-welcomed assistance. Apparently, they were bound to assist this obvious “old” gringo. They pulled in behind my car, we shook hands and they took over. In 5 minutes, the new tire was installed, the old, flat tire was placed in trunk, and again, we shook hands ready to depart. Payment was offered and was refused. . part of this Pura Vida Lifestyle that is so prevalent. Ultimately, my newly-found friends did accept a six-pack of Imperial Silver beer for their efforts. Perhaps there is a silver lining to getting this grey color in my hair.
A Beautiful Creature Has Captured Our Hearts. .
Cats vs. dogs! Here in Costa Rica, dogs are considered “good" and cats considered as marginally “fair." Dogs protect their owner’s property/territory while cats protect only their own butts. Our case is the total opposite. A stray cat decided to adopt us after walking into our living room from the backyard. After a long and extensive walk-through of the upstairs and downstairs, the garage and the three bathrooms, he decided that HE would let US share HIS new home. Oce (Ah-see), as he is now called, as he resembles an ocelot out in the wilds. . appears to be quite happy over the past 3 years with his new family. Happy. . as long as he gets his share of attention. His dry food is on hand for him 24/7 and his prime, raw liver is made available morning, noon and night. This cat has indeed become the protector of his new home and its owners. No dog dares to step foot on the property and if one does, it is quickly confronted with an option. . fight or flight. . and Oce likes to fight. When any of our neighbors appear on the scene, Oce disappears only to be found minutes later stalking the newly-arrived humans from some hidden spot. He never takes his eyes off our guests. When our friends do finally leave, he does sort of a victory march all around the house, as if trying to tell us that he got rid of them for us! We're so glad he adopted us a few years back!
The Beautiful Backyard that We Have Created. .
My wife, Sammy and I have been living in the same area for many years now.  We are within walking distance to our 'downtown' area.  Santa Ana is a small town just west of Escazu, right outside of San Jose.  We're close to the bank, grocery stores, post office, the mall. . a very convenient location.  My wife and I love nature, bright and colorful flowers and birds.  We have created a very nice garden right off of our back porch. She especially loves to go out there in the morning hours and right at dusk to watch the hummingbirds. We have planted specific plants and flowers that attract certain species of birds, so it's like a jungle out there!  Waking up and preparing coffee in the morning and heading towards our little paradise in the backyard is what we do.  This is indeed our 'own little slice of paradise!' I almost forgot to tell you that we have counted at least ten different species of butterflies hanging around as well!
We're Always Amazed by Our Surroundings. .
My wife and I love living in Costa Rica because of its breathtaking natural beauty and welcoming community. We are both totally enchanted by the vibrant rainforests, stunning beaches and majestic volcanoes that surround us. We have before us endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation. The laid-back, Pura Vida lifestyle perfectly aligns with our desire for a balanced, joyful life. We cherish the warm and friendly locals, who have made us feel at home since Day One. Moreover, the delicious local cuisine and fresh, tropical fruits add to our daily delight. Simply put, Costa Rica is a paradise where we can thrive and where we continue to create unforgettable memories. We invite all of you to find out for yourselves what we have been experiencing for well over 30 years!
Day Trips are One of Our Most Favorite Things to Do. .
Most any morning is a good time to go directly from our backyard garden to our garage. We both have a couple cups of coffees 'para llevar' (to go) and a full tank of gas.  Sometimes, we'll start driving east! Another day, we'll head west! And some days, we get a little crazy and we go around in circles! Wherever we end up, we'll stop for lunch, do a little sightseeing and take our time returning home.  The entire trip takes about three to five hours and we have a chance to see the REAL Costa Rica.  Doesn't cost much and we're ready for another trip a few days later. Wow, doesn't take much to satisfy our Pura Vida Lifestyle needs here in Costa Rica!
Our Neighbors Look Out for US & We Look Out for Them. .
A few days ago, my wife, Sammy. . she woke up not feeling too well. She had the sniffles and her cough kept me up all night!  She stayed in bed. . I prepared some soft-boiled eggs, dry toast and freshly-squeezed orange juice for her to settle her stomach. She was feeling a little better after eating.  I stepped outside with a cup of fresh coffee to soak up the morning in our tropical flower garden. Our neighbor, Maria stopped by to say, "HOLA!" Maria was in her early 80's, but had the attitude of a 21 year old!  I poured her a cup and we talked for a while.  She was concerned about Sammy and told me to wish her well!  About 3 hours passed and we hear a knock on our front door. Maria stopped by with some freshly-prepared chicken soup and a few pieces of homemade bread!  It smelled sooo good! Sammy must have smelled it from the bedroom.  She put on a robe and came out and was greeted by Maria's smiling face and LUNCH!  This is how we roll in Costa Rica. The kind hearts and Pura Vida attitudes run rampant here. THIS is one of the many reasons why we LOVE Costa Rica! (By the way, I know that chicken soup was FRESH! I counted seven chickens running around in her yard the day before and after lunch, I only counted SIX!)
Habanero & Jalapeño & Poblano. . OH MY!
Kevin and Sammy are passionate gardeners who spend countless hours tending to their vibrant garden. Among their prized plants are over six varieties of hot peppers, each one adding a unique burst of flavor and heat. Kevin especially enjoys sharing the fruits of their labor with their neighbors, spreading joy and spice throughout the community. He takes great pride in preparing homemade hot sauce, a fiery concoction that has become a neighborhood favorite. Their garden not only brings them happiness but also fosters a sense of togetherness, as they share their love for gardening and delicious hot peppers with everyone around them. Kevin makes everyone sign a waiver prior to handing over his hot sauce to them. . JUST kidding! But, it does have a KICK to it!
There's MORE Reasons Why Kevin & Sammy LOVE Costa Rica
Click HERE for Page 2