Costa Rica Good News Report
William "Skip" Licht, Your Host  /  Your "Nothing but Good News" Website Promoting One of the Happiest Countries on the Planet
Today's Featured YouTube Video

We Apostille Legal Documents
for Residency / Legal Status & All Other Applications

(click on the image to the right to learn more about
the Apostilling Process, pricing, etc.)

Here are Dozens of 
Stories & Observations 
that We'd Like to 
Share with You about 
the Life in Costa Rica

(click on each link to the left to read more)

Click through Here to Page 2 
for More Short Stories / Blog Postings about 
Costa Rica & the Pura Vida Lifestyle!
Costa Rica "Feel-Good" Stories
There are SO MANY Reasons Why
One Should Visit / Move to 

Costa Rica!
We'll dig deep into this topic here on our website
& with our 100's of Facebook postings weekly!
(click on the image to the left to visit our Facebook page)

*Learn All About Acquiring 
Your Residency / Legal Status 
Here in Costa Rica. .

*Over 1,000 Entertaining YouTube Videos About 
Costa Rica & All it Has to Offer. .

*More Than 420 Enlightening Short Stories 
About Costa Rica. .

*Over 340 Costa Rica Podcast Episodes. .

*Daily Positive Affirmations! We're always 
spreading GOOD NEWS on THIS website!

*Over 2,400 Properties FOR SALE
through. .
Costa Rica Retirement Vacation Properties!
Click through on Our Links Below & 
Explore the Real Estate Market!
Today's Good News Quickie! 

Start your day right here. . 7 days a week! 
There's so much good news coming out of Costa Rica!
We'll share a little slice of life. . right here. . just me & you!
*Our stories must make you feel good after reading or listening to them!
*They must inspire you in some way!
*Our stories must persuade you to learn more about Costa Rica!
*They must guide you deep into your 'daydreaming' phase!
*Our stories must energize & stimulate your need to learn more about  

   The Pura Vida Lifestyle Here in Costa Rica
Click Here for 
Immediate Information
Click Here to Enjoy 
More Stories about Costa Rica
 Click Through Here
to See Hundreds of 
Costa Rica Products 

   Greetings. . 

It's All About Sharing Magical Stories with All of You!  

Our Mission:

Over 1,000 Videos on Our
YouTube Channel

Please Subscribe & Share!

 This is where 
Click Here
Double click here to add text.
Immediate Information Available 
We work hard to put a smile on your face
each & every time you visit our website, 
read one of our GOOD NEWS stories, 
listen to our podcast episodes 
& watch our videos! 
It's a great way to begin your day!
Over 1,000 YouTube Videos!
Equestrian Project Available 
for Immediate Participation in Costa Rica
Royal Palms Equestrian Community
Over 158 Acres / An Amazing Concept / You're Invited!
Planned Villas / Estate Homes / Mini Farms
CLICK HERE to Subscribe 
to Our YouTube Channel!
Nothing but GOOD NEWS!
We Apostille 
Legal Documents

Residency &
Legal Status

Hate Paperwork?Click Here

Our in-house 
Apostilling Department
will take care of all of 
your required paperwork 
throughout the 
Costa Rica Residency Process
We are Professionals. .
Are you
ready to get started in your 
Costa Rica Residency Process?
Contact Us Now via WhatsApp
Regarding Residency / Legal Status / Real Estate
Dreaming is like painting the canvas of our future with the vibrant hues of our imagination. It's a magical realm where possibilities are limitless, and a positive attitude serves as the brush that adds the perfect strokes to our aspirations. When we approach our dreams with optimism, we create a powerful force that propels us forward, overcoming obstacles with resilience and turning challenges into stepping stones. 

Positivity fuels perseverance, transforming setbacks into valuable lessons and setbacks into opportunities. Embracing a positive mindset in the realm of dreams not only brightens the path but also attracts the energy needed to manifest those dreams into reality. 

So, dream big, paint with the colors of optimism, and watch as your life becomes a masterpiece of joy & fulfillment. This is the essence of Pura Vida.. .
Could you see yourself here, 
sipping on a cup of coffee 
or perhaps with a glass of wine in hand?
We are a Full-service Real Estate Agency 
& Residency Experts 

Contact Us
If you're searching for
your own little slice of paradise, 
we can assist in your journey 
in many ways. .

Real Estate / Residency / Legal Status 
Lay of the Land / Banking 
Corporation Set Up / Apostilling of Documents
Special Services / General Information

Having a positive attitude is 
an integral part of the 
Pura Vida Lifestyle!

​Start Today in YOUR 
Synchronization Process!

Become ONE with the 
Pura Vida Lifestyle!
  Click on the button to get synched!
Our "Pura Vida Dreaming" Series:

"Optimistic Oasis: A Daily Podcast Series Sharing Positive Vibes & 
How All of This Integrates with the Pura Vida Lifestyle
Here in Costa Rica"
Click on our logo to the left
to listen to our 
daily positive messages. .

You DON'T have to be in Costa Rica to enjoy the Pura Vida Mindset!
An integral part of the
Pura Vida Lifestyle
is maintaining a

We Add New Episodes 

Over 300 episodes to date!

Why is the Pura Vida Lifestyle is So Good for You?
How does one begin to incorporate the 
Benefits & Features of the Pura Vida Lifestyle into their life?
We explore this idea
everyday through our
social media postings, 
our stories and adventures 
that we share with you!
Purchase Costa-Rica-Related Products 
Through Our Amazon Dedicated Links!

                       *If you can't visit Costa Rica, bring Costa Rica to you!
                       *Hundreds of items from which to choose!
                       *Click on the logo to the left to start your shopping!
*Enjoy every moment of your life. .

  *Don't allow your drive to reach your destination
     overshadow your journey that gets you there. .

      *Don't worry so much. .

        *Say, "YES" much more often. .
*Spend more of your time helping others and
   paying it forward. .

  *Step out of your comfort zone more often than not. .

      *Become ONE with nature. .

        *Realize all that you have & be forever grateful. .
Enjoying the Good Life in Costa Rica. .

So many stories to share with all who care to enjoy. .
Here's a few to get you started!
If you have a story, share it with us. .
Send it to: [email protected]
Click on the logo to the right!

Thinking about Moving to Costa Rica?
​Click Here to 
Read the GOOD NEWS!
Are You Considering a 
Move to Costa Rica?

*If you are, you must have 
a lot of questions!

*Kevin is here 
to answer them for you. .
*How do I open a bank account?
*Can we bring out pet with us?

*How do we acquire our legal status?
*Is it worth becoming a Digital Nomad?

*What about health care & finding a       doctor here?
*Am I safe living in Costa Rica?

*Where can I fill my prescriptions?
*How do we ship our household goods,   vehicles, etc?

*What's daily life going to be like?
*Is it expensive to live?

Contact Kevin McNamee 
to Schedule an In-Depth Consultation!
Kevin & his team have been assisting individuals
& families with their move to Costa Rica 
for way over 20 years!

Q & A Phone Call. .
There is NO CHARGE for this service!
Email: [email protected]

You could wake up to THIS 
every morning for the 
rest of your life!
Absolutely Free!

click here

Click HERE to See How 
Positive Attitude & Pura Vida Connect!

Kevin McNamee
Residency / Relocation / Real Estate / Special Services

We Make the Connection of 
Real Estate & Residency Easy!
So many people find the
    Here in Costa Rica. .

      Click HERE to 
         read about some 
            of their beautiful stories!
If You're Considering 
a Real Estate Purchase, 
we specialize in 
Residency / Real Estate packages!

Our Real Estate Division has been in business since 2001 and we offer over 2,000 homes, condos, home sites and so much more!
Residency & 
Real Estate
Packaged Together
Explore the Different Areas of Costa Rica

CLICK HERE for Central Valley
CLICK HERE for MORE Central Valley
CLICK HERE for Central Pacific Coast
CLICK HERE for Northwest Pacific Coast
CLICK HERE for Nicoya Peninsula
CLICK HERE for the Central & 
                       Southern Pacific Coast
CLICK HERE for the North Central Areas
Real Estate Services 
in Costa Rica Since 2001
Contact Us
Here's More Areas of Costa Rica to Explore

Coming soon. .

Arenal Area                       Caribbean Coast
Turrialba                            Buenas Aires
San Isidro                          Palmar Norte
San Vito                             Ojochal
Golfito                                Liberia
Quepos                             Tortuguero
San Diego                         San Pedro
Ciudad Colon                    Puerto Jimenez
Nuevo Arenal                    Boca Tapada
Limon                                Guapiles
Siquirres                            San Vicente
Alejuela                             Palmar Sur       

CLICK HERE for In-Depth Information!
The Costa Rica 
Good News Quickie
for Today's Story!
Kevin's Corner. .
Sharing hundreds of GOOD-NEWS, human-interest stories, adventures & poems that enhances the MAGIC of 
Costa Rica & the Pura Vida Lifestyle!
What does it feel like to embark on an unexplored path towards a new Pura Vida Lifestyle?
Many of you who visit this website are simply considering booking a trip to Costa Rica. . perhaps for the first time.  You may have heard so much about one of the happiest countries on the planet. Maybe a friend or family member has visited. . and they're still talking 3 YEARS LATER about the fun they experienced!

We know that quite a few of you are considering a move to Costa Rica. . a totally new life here in paradise!  You've visited many times over the years and now, your kids have moved away and are doing fine. . you just retired and need to finally step out of the RAT RACE. . or you've decided to work remotely, enjoy your life and become ONE with nature. 

No matter what the reason, we appreciate your being here!  We try hard every day to share with you ALL of the GOOD NEWS coming out of Costa Rica. We have a YouTube Channel with over 1,000 videos recorded. We have a Podcast Series with over 300 episodes recorded. We share and post on social media many times everyday, 7 days a week! We also offer our services to you regarding acquiring your Residency/Legal Status for you and your family. We've been assisting individuals and families in the RESIDENCY process for OVER 20 YEARS. . so, we're good at it! Many of our clients come from our website & social media audience.

Thank you for visiting today. Come back everyday and explore the links on this website.  Watch our videos and listen to our podcast episodes. And, if you are considering a MOVE to COSTA RICA, contact us today through our Immigration link at the top of this page. We're looking forward to meeting all of you someday!
Every morning, we share with you the benefits & features of the Pura Vida Lifestyle! Envy, status, prom king.  Many of us throughout our lives have wanted to be in the spotlight.  Have you ever dreamed of being a rock star, an A-list actor, a sports hero?  D.J. called us last week and we just met with him to gather his paperwork to begin his Costa Rica Legal Residency process.  D.J. just retired at the young age of 33. He has seen lots of success in major league baseball. A sports star since high school, he played all three major sports in college as well. He was drafted in 2013 by one of the teams out west and has had a decent career. What he didn't like about his entire life was that he had no privacy. . no anonymity. He challenged me to consider my life for a moment.  He asked me how many mistakes I made in a day.  He suggested that I imagine that millions of people are looking over my shoulder, scrutinizing and commenting on every mistake I made. Every day of my life, graded and dissected.  If I had a bad day for one reason or another, it was all over the news and the internet, read by the masses.  THIS is what he hated about his life. Now, he has settled here in Costa Rica where nobody knows him, no one cares about how fast he pitches or if his curve ball in the 5th inning last night hit the bottom left corner of the strike zone.  Now all he cares about is becoming ONE with nature, eating  endless plates of Gallo Pinto & enjoying the magic of the Pura Vida Lifestyle! PLAY BALL!

Click Here to Visit Our Channel
What Better Way to Show Your Love, 
Your Appreciation, Your Affection 
for this magical thing they call. .
Show how much you love 
Costa Rica & the Pura Vida Lifestyle. .
(include your first name, photo, where you're from & 
why you love the PURA VIDA LIFESTYLE so much)
[email protected]
Send your information to us & 
we'll post it for the world to see. .

Now recruiting 
1,000 additional
Click here to read their stories. .

A Wonderful, Exciting, 
Refreshing Read. .
click here to buy the book 
& to support a local Expat!
Click Here for

Private Lender Opportunites as well!