Costa Rica Good News Report
Your "Nothing but Good News" Website Promoting One of the Happiest Countries on the Planet
Costa Rica
Love Stories
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*If YOUR FANTASY came true. .
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Tatiana & Mel. . did they know each other in an earlier lifetime? According to Mel, it surely feels that way. Mel is a birder from way back. He belongs to all of the birding clubs in Texas and a few in Costa Rica. In fact, prior to his first time visiting Costa Rica, he knew more about the birds here than Tatiana did. . and she worked for the tour company that Mel used to find a few Resplendent Quetzals, Toucans & Scarlet Macaws! Tatiana did such a great job with her 15 or so clients that Mel spoke up and everyone on the tour sang her a 'thank you' song after the two days they were together. Tatiana thought that was so nice and she was overwhelmed with happiness. Mel then took it a few steps further. . they've been married for over 8 years now and they're still searching for birds here in paratise! "There's nothing like finding love when you aren't really looking for it", shares Tatiana! Bless them both and we all wish them a long and happy life together here in Costa Rica!

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If you enjoy love stories & overall GOOD NEWS coming out of Costa Rica, send in your own stories!
Heydi & Fernando. . driving rain & thunder brought these two kind souls together. . and they celebrate their love every day! Let me explain! We just heard from Fernando. In 2015, he was on vacation here. . his 1st time. He came from South Florida and he was used to pop-up thunderstorms. . but not THUNDERSTORMS ON STERIODS! Wow! Fernando was walking in downtown San Jose without an umbrella. . his FIRST MISTAKE! It began to pour and he ducked into a book store right by the Teatro Nacional! Heydi was working there and their eyes met. Fernando was soaking wet. . Heydi gave him a paper towel. That was the start of true love. Amazing how things work out here in Costa Rica and how LOVE CAN FIND two new clients in the strangest of ways. Fernando calls Costa Rica "HOME" now and they're reading a lot of books together. Their favorite novel is the "BOOK OF LOVE". It's a BEST SELLER & we have another couple who have found their own little slice of paradise!
Harris & Johnny. . dogs are so special to Harris. Even as a teenager, she used to dog sit for many of her neighbors when they went on vacation or on business trips. She grew up, graduated from college and wanted to take some time off prior to her starting a new career. Well, Harris became sidetracked! She went to Costa Rica for vacation during the summer of 2017. Just out of college, she wanted to expand her horizons and become ONE with Mother Nature. She volunteered at one of the animal sanctuaries in the Northern Costa Rica area. An entire month, nursing back sloths, toucans and turtles, all who had health problems. Johnny was there as well, doing the same thing. It was Johnny's fifth time volunteering. He had been taking care of sick animals for over three years and now, he's taking care of Harris! They fell in love at the animal sanctuary. . Harris lives with Johnny in Costa Rica now and they have two hectares and lots of farm animals. . one big happy family!
Zulma & Sean. . everyday, Sean walked over to the Mas X Menos, close to San Pedro, just east of downtown San Jose. He only lived a few blocks away and he always smelled the coffee being prepared as he arrived at the front door. . always the first customer. . at 7:00 am! Zulma was the 'coffee queen' and she worked in the dining area. Sean always was greeted with a smile and a cafe latte! Sean still says it was the best coffee (and the BEST SMILE) in all of Central Valley. After 3 months or so, Sean was buying coffee for Zulma on her two days off at the local soda. Three years ago, and about 500 coffees later, Sean is preparing CAFE LATTE's for Zulma and serving it to her as she wakes up. . BREAKFAST IN BED. They are married now and living a wonderful life very close to where they first met. Many smiles and lots of cafe lattes gave birth to a wonderful love story here in Costa RIca and we sure do appreciate Sean sharing this GOOD NEWS with all of us!
Marc & Sally. . early in the morning is a peaceful time for some. For others, they can't function until about 11:00 am! Marc is a morning person and Sally is a night owl! How in the heck have they been married for 5 years and still stay together? Well, in Costa Rica, nobody has a choice! It gets light here just after 5:00 am and if you live close to the jungle, the HOWLER MONKEYS do a number on you! They are called, "NATURE'S ALARM CLOCKS" because they start howling right before sunrise! Marc and Sally met here about 7 years ago while white-water rafting. The two different groups that they were in met after the trip for some smoothies and for lunch! Marc fell out of his raft and he was soaking wet! Sally had a towel and that is what started it all. NOW, they are both earlybirds and love to get up before dawn, prepare their coffee in the chorreador and plan their day ahead! True love shines brightly for Marc and Sally and we're very happy for them both!
Dennis & Diana. . elevated heart rates. . excitement beyond normalcy. . extreme pleasure & total happiness. Sensory overrides happen daily here in Costa Rica. If you're here for the first time or if you call Costa Rica, "home", the results are the same. . everyday that passes & when you lay your head down on your pillow at night, you are filled with wonderful thoughts from the day just experienced and with pleasant anticipation for the day ahead. And then, to experience all of this with someone who you love by your side. . at times it is overwhelming. The beauty of life and the depth of love given & received. . Dennis & Diana are just starting their journey together. Two months have passed. They met at the Monteverde Orchid Garden and the rest is history. They are back in the USA this month, REARRANGING their lives so they both can return to Costa Rica TOGETHER to visit the dozens of botanical gardens here. They want to spend a lifetime searching for orchids. . side by side.
Anita & Luke. . from Seattle. "A group of us from work took a trip together to Arenal about 8 years ago. I fell in love with this country. . and then I fell in love with Luke! We work remotely for the SAME COMPANY now and live in the La Fortuna area. Arenal is FRONT & CENTER in our lives", shares Anita! Each and every day are filled with happiness and inspiration! They told us that living in a country such as Costa Rica gives them both an opportunity to become one with their surroundings. They both have explored the entire area of Arenal. They are now working on a blog that will share their experiences with the world. They mentioned that there is nothing better than finding a soulmate who has the same dreams and goals as you. This is what life is all about. And the key to their happiness is that they never listen to world news. They only know what's going on within the borders of Cosa Rica. Not a bad road to follow! We're so happy for both of them!
Dante & Valentina. . SURF'S UP! That's the signal to start pounding those waves, hanging ten & taking advantage of all that the beaches of Costa Rica have to offer all of those who love it so very much! Dominical is the location for many surfing tournaments! People from all over the world come and have the time of their lives! Dante from SoCal was here about ten years ago. . Valentina lives just outside of this cool little beach town. Their paths crossed in 2012 and they have been together ever since. Valentina NEVER knew how to surf. . now, she and Dante ride the waves side by side. In fact, she has entered a couple of tournaments. She's never come close to winning anything, but she is striving to get as good as Dante so she can do him proud! They're in love and enjoy surfing as much as possible. Dante works remotely about 30 hours a week and Valentina works in a local family bakery. They stay busy and they found love in Costa Rica. . and it's still going strong!